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#1: Mr. Putin's Invite to answer questions from anyone on Earth Author: DanLocation: USA : Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:05 am

Dear Mr Putin,

The No 1st Cost List creates the internet interface that lets anyone with News on any subject,
to have their assertions publicly tested by questions from anyone, using Q&A Procedures that lead
to a public agreement or disagreement on the News Report's truth within a time limit on replies.

In your case, you as a world leader who has other duties,
I propose we use the following time saving procedure.

We set a date & time you will answer questions for up to four hours.

2. The citizens if Earth register their questions on the N1CL for 7 days..
All registered N1CL users can rank the questions in a 1, 2, 3, up to10 order.
They can change their picks and order till the 7 days are up.

3. then 1/3 of questions are the top ranked
and 1/3 are picked at random, but not from top 1/3.

4. Then you have 36 hours to answer 1/3 questions of your choosing, including writing them yourself.

Last, but not least, you're on the hot seat for 4 hours, or more at your discretion.
Breaks don't count towards the four hours.

I have watched some of your Q&A sessions for your citizenry,
God wish our USA leaders would do the same.

Lets establish Peace on Earth before its too late,

Dan Alter, co-inventor of the No 1st Cost List

-> n1cl-1 Dan Alter's forum

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