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Warnings come in threes!
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: Warnings come in threes!
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:38 pm

Warnings come in threes. The Shoemaker-Levy comet was more than just a time unit modifier of the Barbary Castle circle; it also showed us what we faced--total destruction, but it was not another specific warning. We are owed another circle. Prediction: I think it will show how many Earth orbits since multi-cellular life started on Earth. It is a fixed ratio, and is the same number of orbits for all life bearing planets, no matter their orbital radius. (I first said this on 4-16-08: I should be able to deduce this number(ratio), if I know what I am talking about. It is a first level implication of the equation that describes our relationship to a Moebius strip universe. Only one way to write this equation from left to right, up and down, and front to back.) [6-16-2008 About a month ago as I expanded the Einstein answer on the Front Page, I found my self writing directions for how to use this new kind of co-ordinate system to navigate in our Moebius universe by going between the two sides of its surface at FTL.]

8-29-08 An expansion on predictgion from Home.

Warnings come in threes. These dates are not my dates, they are dates the E-TS have shown us. It started when two independent pairs of eyewitnesses saw a cone of light from the sky shine down on the Barbary Castle field on July 17, 1991 at about 1:45 AM UT. The next morning the Barbary Castle crop circle was there. Next, exactly three sidereal years later, the first of the Shoemaker-Levy comets 20 pieces hit Jupiter on July 16, 1994 at 20:15 UT. S-L was just a notational modifier showing us the E-Ts unit of time, and to give us an example of what Earth faced, total destruction many times over. Next on June 25, 1995 the Longwood-Warren, or Missing Earth crop circle was placed down. It had two precisely shown sidereal year anniversary date/times shown by the ME crop circle. For example, the date/time shown by the conjunction of two of its 65 asteroids elegantly gave us the exact time Earth is vaporized down to a millisecond. Its an old symbol, it shows they have had practice.

PREDICTION: The E-Ts owe us a third circle speaking directly to the subject. Either the evening of this fifteenth or sixteenth of July. I will go with it being placed down in the late evening or early morning of the sixteenth, as our Sun explodes at 17th sidereal year anniversary from the time the BC circle was put down is 10:23:01 AM UT on July 16, 2008 which is 14 sidereal years after Shoemaker-Levy hit.

The S-L comet hit Jupiter exactly three years after the exact eye witnessed time the Barbary Castle crop circle was placed down on the early morning of July 17, 1991 at 1:45 UT plus or minus 10 minutes. The time shown by the conjunction of the two asteroids in the Missing Earth is exactly 18 years after the Barbary Castle was placed down. the positions of the remaining three planets in the Missing Earth is exactly 12 years later on July 17, 2003 at the exact time the Barbary Castle was put down. Are not coincidences wonderful? I have never been able to conceive of a motive for why someone would lie about your planet going missing.

The real question is: Do we really need this third circle. I think the evidence is already absolutely conclusive, especially after we force our governments to divulge their secret knowledge about E-Ts, our contacts with them, and the technology we have acquired from them. I suggest you give it some serious thought. We have a whole year left, how sweet life is. Enjoy your time left with family and friends.

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