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Short autobiography of Dan Alter
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: Short autobiography of Dan Alter
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:19 pm

2021-05-21, 2021-11-25, 2021-12-27 last edit

I am an autodidact. Given how most past and present establishment scientists work,
I had to be self taught as they won't admit when they are wrong, an operational necessity
when you are trying to discover and create "objective" science for all.
Objective = Independent eyewitnesses can confirm the predicted measurements for themselves.
Real scientists don't take your word for it.

Making Objective Scientific Discoveries Is Simple, Anyone Honest Can Do It.
First you meed a "We don't know the objective answer question". Next you form a hypothesis,
a fancy word for a measurable guess.
1. Then measure your initial Guess,
2. Use the inevitable discrepancies to change your Guess so as to try and eliminate the discrepancies,
3. Rinse and repeat until Joila, suddenly you see the causal link that answers the question. Truly a joyous feeling.

Present scientific establishment's problem: is that written at the bottom of present PHD certificates in lemon juice is,
"I never have to admit I am wrong in public again."; which soon leads to the habit of not admitting your wrong.
Counter examples are few and hard to find, aren't they?

This "never admitting you're wrong" behavior started long ago because doing science takes leisure time. Kings & Pharisees
paid early smart people to become scribes(keep written records), then our Scribes soon learned to protect "He who pays
the piper calls the tune.". Now fellow insider pseudo scientists use peer review to protect our establishment leaders and
advance their careers by "covering up and blocking any discoveries that threaten their paymaster's power and profits.".

I learned about this deliberate blocking of discoveries that threatened our scientists and their paymaster's pocketbook when I
proved why relaxing liability for corporations always reduced the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged.
My professors and
mentors said I was right and then helped block publication. Learning they were corrupt caused me to back into basic physics.

I started college at Seattle Univ. in 1957 at age 15. I told my parents after I was admitted. My H.S. GPA was 2.8.
I was admitted because I scored at the 1 in a billion+ level on a geometry test and the 98-99th percentile on the others.
Never graduated from high school, nor did I attend my college graduation in 1980,
BA Cum Laude, Economics Univ of Washington, Seattle.

USMC 1959-63 honorable discharge March 1963, E-3, good conduct medal, Morse code radio operator, rifle expert four times,
pistol expert twice, rifle range coach twice. The USMC taught me to think objectively under pressure.

Played poker for a living in public card rooms in Washington, California, and Nevada from 1965 to 1980. Worked for short periods when
I went broke. Poker, work, and the GI bill paid for college.

1970 found economics, the mother logic of science, because scientists, by inspection, must try to create(maximize) accurate theories
from where we each(all) sit. Economic logic is explicitly premised on "from where we each(all) sit",
i.e "We life forms are all insatiable own profit maximizers.".
So once you discover what we life forms use to "objectively measure personal profit",
then we can use the same measure to value all data from where we each sit.

Economic logic is how we logically maximize (any x) by minimizing objective input(s). In the maximize time alive for all case,
x = time alive and our input is time alive in a life form. Ergo we all try to minimize the time we
spend trying to get what we want.
Did not say wisely, but try we must using incomplete info.

On Dec. 15, 1975 I read Coase's Theorem and knew he had to be wrong instantly.
Ronald Coase compared the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged (Q G&S XCed)
under Strict Liability = you cost another, then you are held Liable,
versus No Liability = Someone costs you, then you pay them to stop damaging you i.e. extortion.
Coase found no difference in the Q 0f G&S XCed between Strict Liability & No Liability.
It was a very controversial result as a protection racket must reduce the Q G&S XCed.

Coase's conclusion drove me wild, in Spring quarter 1976 I took ten hours of in-completes and did not graduate,
instead went to Vegas and thought on the problem. After three years I knew Coase's explicit logic was correct, which
meant he had violated a hidden unconscious assumption. We met in Chicago twice in the early 1980s and talked for hours.

Prof. Willis Konick called me in 1980 and said if I met him for a hour a week for ten weeks, he would give me A's in
my ten hours of incomplete classes and I would graduate with a 3.0 GPA,
which meant I would be admitted to grad school, which I did until 1984.

In early 1984 I proved what Coase's error was. He had committed the Fallacy of Non Attribution = he had not
used a a real "objective" measure to make his model comparison, instead he had used imaginary money prices.
Physicists do this fallacy too = use imaginary, can not possibly see dimensions, to predict objective results.

Coase's error meant a basic economic discovery,
"Relaxing Strict Liability for crimes by leaders/corporations always reduces the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged."
ergo, it always reduces the Quantity of the food we eat, our time alive, our wealth, our General Welfare without exception.
That means we face a political decision, will we enforce Strict Liability for the time
I, you, and especially leaders, illegally Cost others or not?

The "or not" requires the insiders who control corrupt governments to print up ultimately unrepayable debt to maintain
their personal wealth and power. Ultimately, of course, their corrupt pyramid scheme must collapse suddenly.

This led to the fundamental scientific discovery,
"The common measure all life forms use to order(value) all felt perceptions from where we each sit."
By definition, the only possible "objective" causal premise for a Grand Unification Theory(GUT), as all life forms
do use this measure the same way to structure and filter all information about the universe while alive.

Married to Margaret Milanowski, three children, four grand children, and blessed with a wife
who puts up with a pinhead Nullius in Verba(take no one's word for it) scientist.

I realized very early on, our so called 'authorities' did not really know how things worked, they just pretend they do
by putting on fancy costumes to symbolize their power, so they can keep people ignorant for easy sheep shearing.
Extortion and protection rackets have always been an easy line of work.

Since scientific discoveries are for all, then open to all public questioning is the only form of honest peer review.

I left the Catholic church when I was 14 because they did not practice what Christ taught. He is my biggest hero;
but just like the Church fathers, I fail at always living the Golden Rule,

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:42 pm; edited 25 times in total

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