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Be Paid To Do The Tests that Prove Asteroid Date & Theory

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Location: USA
PostPost subject: Be Paid To Do The Tests that Prove Asteroid Date & Theory
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:05 am

2019-12-11 updated, revised 1-15-18, 20-22-06

$5000 each to first two amateur astronomers who independently verify
the Asteroid is coming on 2023-09-28, plus the other bonuses below.

The trustworthiness of our government paid astronomers is questionable.

The 1-15-18 tests listed below are also necessary and demonstrate
the effects of massive money printing by our corrupt USA government.

Be paid to do these four tests that confirm when Earth is vaporized Unless Prevented?
Payment terms below.

These tests show that we live in a Moebius Geometry universe which requires that a small percentage of Gravity moves instantly at all distances. i.e. like quantum entanglement.

1. Use a 12 inch refractor or reflector telescope to confirm with good camera,
high up, long exposure to confirm starlight is disappearing at under two billion light years ago.

2. Use the 1750 world wide tidal buoys to show that Gravity from the Sun
arrives about five seconds faster than light would arrive. A programming problem.

Use the instant that each buoy reaches its highest point at right angle to the solar tide . We have the data set records going back many years.

3. Verify the must be caused conjunction in the Missing Earth(ME) crop circle, down on June 26, 1995. which shows exactly when the Earth is first struck by the ray from the Sun using the using the The 65 ME Asteroids orbital radius and diameter calculator.
The conjunction shows the instant the ray from the Sun strikes Earth, then the following vaporization sequence is shown in the Barbary Castle(BC), the first large complex circle place down at 1:35 AM GMT on July 17, 1991.

4. A cannonball fired parallel to Earth's exact center will show that a part of Gravity from the
cannonball will go instantly towards Earth's center, while the other directions will show 2 separated signals
i.e.a blip blip iG then Gc signals. Wrap the sensors around near the mouth of the muzzle. Abrams tank will do.

Almost everyone I know wants to be there for this test. Fire rounds over
shallow body of water with a detector in round. Recover and reuse.

1-15-18 Payments for confirmation.
You must register to submit your test results.

You will receive:

$2000 for first confirmation using the tidal buoy data set and 200 WOUs, then $1000 for
someone else's independent second verification plus 100 WOUs for replicating the first verification.

Payment for verification of conjunction shown in Missing Earth crop circle. Same terms.

In addition, each verifier will receive one years Full Membership and an invitation to participate
in the private forum devoted to fast development of instant entangled communication
anywhere in universe and Faster Than Light(FTL) space travel.

Members of this group can keep any patent rights they develop, as long as they pay the royalty
on the "Relative to c | velocity/vector meter" & its refinement patent. In short, very lucrative.

As to the tank gun. There must be a retired Abrams around somewhere, or other large mobile cannon.
Maybe a government could provide such a tank or cannon.

$2000 plus $1000 parts costs to anyone who wants to build the detectors plus 200 WOUs, Must provide detailed plans. Same payment terms as first two tests. There must be a Military cannon surplus museum/store somewhere?

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:43 am; edited 7 times in total

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