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Why must scientists practice Nullius In Verba?

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: Why must scientists practice Nullius In Verba?
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:00 am

2017-12-23, 2019-10-21-revision clarifying explanatory examples of CO2 effects and Newton's behavior.

Nullius In Verba, "Take nobodies word for it" is the motto of the Royal Society, the first modern scientific society established by Charles the second of England in 1652.

I had concluded that 'Take Nobody's Word For It.' is not obvious to most people. 'Nullius In Verba" means that a scientific prediction must be be proven or falsified by "objective" tests done by other independent people.

Second conclusion: I just realized that expeditiously giving public credit turned out to be the logical necessity upon which objective science rests, otherwise you can not know who's word you are taking.
In short, giving public credit is the bedrock practice required for scientists to claim they actually practices Nullius In Verba.

For example, the assertion that rising CO2 levels cause global warming means the fundamental premise of scientific analysis must hold: Causes always occur before effects.

In fact, the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer Law directly proves otherwise. It is the basis for spectrographic analysis and predicts how much any form of gas like CO2 can absorb of any form of light like infrared radiation. This Law predicts that CO2 stops absorbing infrared radiation at under 100 parts per million in our atmosphere.

Over 100 ice core samples going back 800,000 years covering 7.5 inter-glacials when temperatures and C)@ levels had large fluctuations, show that temperatures always rise by 800 plus years before CO2 levels rise, and always fall over 800 years after temperatures start falling. Ergo CO2 levels are an effect not a cause.

Desert plants in particular love rising CO2 levels as it lets them use water more efficiently. Already confirmed by NASA satellites for the Sahara.

Bottom line; asserting that everyone believes it does not make it true. Only objective replicable tests done by independent people do.

Sir Isaac Newton was the Royal Society president from 1702 to 1727. He probably would be considered a real scientist; yet he refused to give Leibniz, the co=discoverer of the Calculus credit. As Newton's behavior shows, honestly giving credit to others is a test for human nature.

The reason that 'Nullius in Verba' is the Royal Societies motto is because it states the method scientists must use to have their assertions proven. Take Nobodies Word For It can only exist when public credit is given to who discovered the now confirmed prediction and who verified it, otherwise you can not know who's word you are taking.

In short, giving public credit is the bedrock practice required for scientists to claim they actually practice objective science.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Nov 01, 2020 12:25 am; edited 5 times in total

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